Get started

PCRM supports not only games but also various businesses with complex structures with blockchain to create an efficient and future-oriented business environment and provides an integrated service ecosystem of WEB 3.0.

PCRM consists of a framework that has been developed and operated on its own to respond to the limitations of blockchain functions, security issues, high development difficulty, and management inefficiency, and provides convenient service through flexible message management and various interfaces. You can get it.

MMaximizes management efficiency through functions such as monitoring, statistics, and reports for PCRM internal and external linkage, service management, and PiE (Profit in Everything) service.


1. PCRM X-To-Earn Interface APIs

API is classified into Sync type and Async type in consideration of performance. Affiliates apply functions corresponding to each API and support various development languages such as JSON, C/C++, and JAVA.

Exchange Rate Inquiry Partners PCRM Item/Point/etc to PlayToken Exchange Rate Inquiry
PlayToken to Item/Point/etc Exchange Rate Inquiry
(Partner's various benefits to users, etc.)
Exchange Partners PCRM Item/Point/etc to PlayToken Exchange
PlayToken to Item/Point/etc Exchange
Passport Partners PCRM Certification services for execution of key APIs
- Exchange API
- Withdrawal Address API
- Withdrawal
Withdrawal Address Partners PCRM Verification and registration of externally available addresses held by users of the Partners (withdrawal address)
Withdrawal pre-trade Partners PCRM Withdrawal preliminary transactions
Withdraw Partners PCRM Withdraw withdrawable tokens(PlayToken) to an external address Async
Block Notify PCRM Partners Exchange API, Blockchain processing result of Withdrawal API sent (Confirm completed or not) Async

  • All APIs are operated based on HTTPS (SSL, TLS 1.2 or higher). Be sure to link with HTTPS.
  • The channel number and sub-channel number are provided separately.
  • Encryption/decryption related information of the encryption target field is provided separately.
  • A signature function for API validation is provided separately.

1.1. Exchange Rate Inquiry (Partners → PCRM)

The Exchange Rate Inquiry API provides exchange rate information(Item/Point/etc to PlayToken, PlayToken to Item/Point/etc). Exchange rate information must be applied to the Exchange API through this API.

The exchange rate, which is the result of the Exchange Rate Inquiry API, needs to be registered as a separate ADMIN transaction. If the exchange rate information is not registered in advance, an error is returned.

To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Exchange Rate Inquiry UI Wireframe


Exchange Rate Inquiry Sequence


### Request Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "fromCurrency" : "GOLD",
 "toCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "fromAmount" : "100", 
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Exchange Rate Inquiry Request Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
fromCurrency Y 10 Request unit Conversion request currency code (Item, Token, etc.)
toCurrency Y 10 Conversion unit Conversion target currency code (Item, Token, etc.)
fromAmount Y 20 Request Quantity Item, Point, Token quantity (Error returned when requested below the minimum unit specified by the exchange rate registration administrator)
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### SUCCESS Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "fromCurrency" : "GOLD",
 "toCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "fromAmount" : "100", 
 "toAmount" : "1",
 "exchangeRate" : "10%",
 "status" : "SUCCESS", 
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Exchange Rate Inquiry Response Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
fromCurrency Y 10 Request unit Conversion request currency code (Item, Token, etc.)
toCurrency Y 10 Conversion unit Conversion target currency code (Item, Token, etc.)
fromAmount Y 20 Request Quantity Item, Point, Token quantity (Error returned when requested below the minimum unit specified by the exchange rate registration administrator)
toAmount N 20 Conversion Quantity Conversion quantity = Requested quantity * Exchange rate
exchangeRate N 20 Exchange Rate Exchange rate information for request unit and conversion unit
status Y 10 Result Success (SUCCSS), Failure (DECLINED)
errorInformation.errCd N 8 Error code NULL for Success, Code for Error
errorInformation.reasonn N 192 Error message Corresponding error message when an error occurs
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### DECLINED Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "fromCurrency" : "GOLD",
 "toCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "fromAmount" : "99", 
 "toAmount" : "",
 "exchangeRate" : "",
 "status" : "DECLINED", 
 "errorInformation.errCd" : "7007",
 "errorInformation.reason" : "Insufficient minimum amount",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Exchange Rate Inquiry Errors

Detailed error codes are provided separately

1.2. Exchange (Partners → PCRM)

Converts the request unit (item, point, token, etc.) held by the user of the partners into a transition unit. Exchange requests require the application of exchange rate information

The Exchange API is Async. The processing result of the blockchain is finally delivered through Block Notify API. Exchange is not complete until PCRM provides a response through the Block Notify API.

A user-specific key is essential to manage the user's assets even if changes occur due to the loss or damage of the user's device (mobile, PC, etc.).

To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Exchange UI Wireframe


Exchange Sequence


### Request Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "fromCurrency" : "GOLD",
 "toCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "fromAmount" : "100", 
 "outPassword" : "f3a0ea7f63724bbd18194bf3a77974df0c8be6a58264ec2df860ad636b31fac6",
 "Papers" : "77974df0c8be6a58264ec2df860af3a0ea7f63724bbd18194bf3ad636b31fac6",
 "notifyUrl" : "https://Partners_URL/API/backNotify"
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Exchange Request Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem. Even if a change occurs due to the loss or damage of a user's device (mobile, PC, etc.), a user's unique key is essential to manage the user's assets.
fromCurrency Y 10 Request unit Conversion request currency code (Item, Token, etc.)
toCurrency Y 10 Conversion unit Conversion target currency code (Item, Token, etc.)
fromAmount Y 20 Request Quantity Item, Point, Token quantity (Error returned when requested below the minimum unit specified by the exchange rate registration administrator)
exchangeRate N 20 Exchange Rate Use Exchange rate received by Exchange Rate Inquiry API
outPassword Y 192 Password (encryption) Password (encryption applied transmission, see "2. Security Application Guide")
Papers Y 192 Transaction verification key Transaction verification KEY received after Passport API call
notifyUrl N 128 Processing result receiving URL URL to receive asynchronous processing results (requires development to receive and process blockchain processing results from the channel side)
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### SUCCESS Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "fromCurrency" : "GOLD",
 "toCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "fromAmount" : "100", 
 "toAmount" : "1",
 "exchangeRate" : "10%",
 "internalAddress" : "0xb440a6cdfbfe4870fc06385d0533476344bdc557",
 "txId" : "0x7104afd5b61c5df952c8e9afd2dafa222d543111b2ee3862c80502b3f2aed93b ",
 "status" : "SUCCESS", 
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Exchange Response Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
fromCurrency Y 10 Request unit Conversion request currency code (Item, Token, etc.)
toCurrency Y 10 Conversion unit Conversion target currency code (Item, Token, etc.)
fromAmount Y 20 Request Quantity Item, Point, Token quantity (Error returned when requested below the minimum unit specified by the exchange rate registration administrator)
toAmount N 20 Conversion Quantity Conversion quantity = Requested quantity * Exchange rate
exchangeRate N 20 Exchange Rate Use Exchange rate received by Exchange Rate Inquiry API
internalAddress N 128 Internal Address PlayToken(Internal Token) Address
txId N 128 TXID Blockchain Transaction ID
status Y 10 Result Success (SUCCSS), Failure (DECLINED)
errorInformation.errCd N 8 Error code NULL for Success, Code for Error
errorInformation.reasonn N 192 Error message Corresponding error message when an error occurs
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### DECLINED Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "fromCurrency" : "GOLD",
 "toCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "fromAmount" : "99", 
 "toAmount" : "",
 "exchangeRate" : "13%",
 "internalAddress" : "0xb440a6cdfbfe4870fc06385d0533476344bdc557",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "txId" : "",
 "status" : "DECLINED",
 "errorInformation.errCd" : "7010",
 "errorInformation.reason" : "Amount verification error",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Exchange Errors

Detailed error codes are provided separately

1.3. Passport (Partners → PCRM)

Major services such as registration, change, conversion, and withdrawal through Exchange API, Passport API (password change), Withdrawal Address API, API, and Withdrawal API must be executed after Passport API is authenticated.

Various methods such as FIDO, pattern, and 2FACT can be applied to the authentication method after consultation with the partner company.

To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Passport(Password Registration) UI Wireframe


Passport(Password Registration) Sequence


Passport(Password Change) UI Wireframe


Passport(Password Change) Sequence


### Request Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outPassword" : "f3a0ea7f63724bbd18194bf3a77974df0c8be6a58264ec2df860ad636b31fac6",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Passport Required Option (PassportOption)

KEY Register
outPassword N - Y - Y -
newPassword Y - N - Y -
Papers N Y N Y Y Y

Passport Request Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
PassportOption Y 32 Password Option Password processing option (Register: At initial registration, Certify: At password verification, Change: When password is changed)
outPassword Y 192 Password (encryption) When registering or changing a password for the first time (encryption applied transmission, see "2. Security Application Guide")
newPassword Y 192 New password (encryption) When registering or changing a password for the first time (encryption applied transmission, see "2. Security Application Guide")
Papers Y 192 Transaction verification key Papers received after Passport API authentication
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### SUCCESS Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "Papers" : "77974df0c8be6a58264ec2df860af3a0ea7f63724bbd18194bf3ad636b31fac6",
 "status" : "SUCCESS", 
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Passport Response Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
Papers Y 192 Transaction verification key Used by Exchange API, Withdrawal API, Passport API. The authentication expires 5 minutes after the Papers are created
status Y 10 Result Success (SUCCSS), Failure (DECLINED)
errorInformation.errCd N 8 Error code NULL for Success, Code for Error
errorInformation.reasonn N 192 Error message Corresponding error message when an error occurs
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### DECLINED Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "status" : "DECLINED",
 "errorInformation.errCd" : "B010",
 "errorInformation.reason" : "User Unique ID Error",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Passport Errors

Detailed error codes are provided separately

1.4. Withdrawal Address (Partners → PCRM)

Performs verification and registration of the external address (available on exchanges, etc.) so that the PlayToken held by the user of the partner company can be used externally. The user is responsible for the loss caused by the user's failure to enter the external address correctly.

Currently, only Ethereum-based blockchain is supported, but it can be expanded to various blockchain models depending on partner companies and business partnership models.

To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Withdrawal Address(Registration) UI Wireframe


Withdrawal Address(Registration) Sequence


Withdrawal Address(Change) UI Wireframe


Withdrawal Address(Change) Sequence


### Request Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outPassword" : "f3a0ea7f63724bbd18194bf3a77974df0c8be6a58264ec2df860ad636b31fac6",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Withdrawal Address Request Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
outAddress Y 128 Withdrawal Address The public blockchain address of the channel user available on the exchange, etc.
outPassword Y 192 Password (encryption) Password (encryption applied transmission, see "2. Security Application Guide")
Papers Y 192 Transaction verification key Papers received after Passport API authentication
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide"))

### SUCCESS Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outAddress" : "0xcce4726a8bca553e31c5341fa456a43062b46520",
 "status" : "SUCCESS", 
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Withdrawal Address Response Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
status Y 10 Result Success (SUCCSS), Failure (DECLINED)
errorInformation.errCd N 8 Error code NULL for Success, Code for Error
errorInformation.reasonn N 192 Error message Corresponding error message when an error occurs
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### DECLINED Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outAddress" : "0xb440a6cdfbfe4870fc06385d0533476344bdc557",
 "status" : "DECLINED",
 "errorInformation.errCd" : "B100",
 "errorInformation.reason" : "Wallet address is not valid",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Withdrawal Address Errors

Detailed error codes are provided separately

1.5. Withdrawal pre-trade (Partners → PCRM)

The Withdrawal pre-trade API must be run before invoking the Withdrawal API. Key data among the results of the Withdrawal pre-trade API should be reflected in the Withdrawal API.

To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Withdrawal pre-trade UI Wireframe


Withdrawal pre-trade Sequence


### Request Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outPassword" : "f3a0ea7f63724bbd18194bf3a77974df0c8be6a58264ec2df860ad636b31fac6",
 "fromCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "toCurrency" : "VEGO",
 "fromAmount" : "1", 
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Withdrawal pre-trade Request Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
fromCurrency Y 10 Request unit Conversion request token code
toCurrency Y 10 Conversion unit Conversion target token code
fromAmount Y 20 Request Quantity Token quantity
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### SUCCESS Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outAddress" : "0xcce4726a8bca553e31c5341fa456a43062b46520",
 "fromCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "toCurrency" : "VEGO",
 "fromAmount" : "1", 
 "withdrawalRate" : "100%",
 "toAmount" : "1",
 "withdrawalFee" : "0",
 "withdrawalAmount" : "1",
 "ReserveWID" : "d18194bf3a77974df0c8be6a58264ec2df860ad636b31fac6f3a0ea7f63724bb",
 "pinNumber" : "880154",
 "status" : "SUCCESS", 
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Withdrawal pre-trade Response Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
fromCurrency Y 10 Request unit Conversion request token code
toCurrency Y 10 Conversion unit Conversion target token code
fromAmount Y 20 Request Quantity Token quantity
withdrawalRate N 20 Withdrawal Rate Withdrawal Rate
toAmount N 20 Conversion Quantity Conversion quantity = Requested quantity * Withdrawal rate
withdrawalFee N 20 Withdrawal Fee Withdrawal Fee
withdrawalAmount N 20 Withdrawal Quantity Withdrawal quantity = Conversion quantity * Withdrawal Fee
ReserveWID N 192 Withdrawal Reserve WID Transaction verification WID for performing withdrawal transactions
pinNumber N 6 Withdrawal Pin Number Pin Number used in the Withdrawal main transaction
status Y 10 Result Success (SUCCSS), Failure (DECLINED)
errorInformation.errCd N 8 Error code NULL for Success, Code for Error
errorInformation.reasonn N 192 Error message Corresponding error message when an error occurs
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### DECLINED Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outAddress" : "0xcce4726a8bca553e31c5341fa456a43062b46520",
 "fromCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "toCurrency" : "VEGO",
 "fromAmount" : "1", 
 "status" : "DECLINED",
 "errorInformation.errCd" : "B011",
 "errorInformation.reason" : "Password validation error",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Withdrawal pre-trade Errors

Detailed error codes are provided separately

1.6. Withdrawal (Partners → PCRM)

Withdrawal is a function of transferring PlayToken to an external address. PlayToken, which has been sent to an external address, can be used freely in various fields such as exchanges.

The Withdrawal API is asynchronous. The processing result of the blockchain is finally delivered through the Block Notify API. Partner must not complete withdrawal results until non-synchronously provided response results are received. ※ The withdrawal is made only to the registered withdrawal address, and the withdrawal problem due to a mistake in the withdrawal address lies with the user who registered the withdrawal address.

To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Withdrawal UI Wireframe


Withdrawal Sequence


### Request Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outAddress" : "0xcce4726a8bca553e31c5341fa456a43062b46520",
 "fromCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "toCurrency" : "VEGO",
 "fromAmount" : "1", 
 "withdrawalRate" : "100%",
 "toAmount" : "1",
 "withdrawalFee" : "0",
 "withdrawalAmount" : "1",
 "ReserveWID" : "d18194bf3a77974df0c8be6a58264ec2df860ad636b31fac6f3a0ea7f63724bb",
 "pinNumber" : "880154",
 "Papers" : "77974df0c8be6a58264ec2df860af3a0ea7f63724bbd18194bf3ad636b31fac6",
 "notifyUrl" : "https://Partners_URL/API/backNotify"
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Withdrawal Request Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
outAddress Y 128 Withdrawal Address The public blockchain address of the channel user available on the exchange, etc.
fromCurrency Y 10 Request unit fromCurrency value received from Withdrawal pre-trade API
toCurrency Y 10 Conversion unit toCurrency value received from Withdrawal pre-trade API
fromAmount Y 20 Request Quantity fromAmount value received from Withdrawal pre-trade API
withdrawalRate N 20 Withdrawal Rate withdrawalRate value received from Withdrawal pre-trade API
toAmount N 20 Conversion Quantity toAmount value received from Withdrawal pre-trade API
withdrawalFee N 20 Withdrawal Fee withdrawalFee value received from Withdrawal pre-trade API
withdrawalAmount N 20 Withdrawal Quantity withdrawalAmount value received from Withdrawal pre-trade API
ReserveWID N 192 Withdrawal Reserve WID ReservePin value received from Withdrawal pre-trade API
pinNumber N 6 Withdrawal Pin Number pinNumber value received from Withdrawal pre-trade API
outPassword Y 192 Password (encryption) Password (encryption applied transmission, see "2. Security Application Guide")
Papers Y 192 Transaction verification key Transaction verification KEY received after Passport API call
notifyUrl Y 128 Processing result receiving URL URL to receive asynchronous processing results (requires development to receive and process blockchain processing results from the channel side)
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### SUCCESS Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outAddress" : "0xcce4726a8bca553e31c5341fa456a43062b46520",
 "fromCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "toCurrency" : "VEGO",
 "fromAmount" : "1", 
 "withdrawalRate" : "100%",
 "toAmount" : "1",
 "withdrawalFee" : "0",
 "withdrawalAmount" : "1",
 "txId" : "0x7104afd5b61c5df952c8e9afd2dafa222d543111b2ee3862c80502b3f2aed93b ",
 "status" : "SUCCESS", 
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Withdrawal Response Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
fromCurrency Y 10 Request unit Conversion request token code
toCurrency Y 10 Conversion unit Conversion target token code
fromAmount Y 20 Request Quantity Token quantity
withdrawalRate N 20 Withdrawal Rate Withdrawal Rate
toAmount N 20 Conversion Quantity Conversion quantity = Requested quantity * Withdrawal rate
withdrawalFee N 20 Withdrawal Fee Withdrawal Fee
withdrawalAmount N 20 Withdrawal Quantity Withdrawal quantity = Conversion quantity * Withdrawal Fee
txId N 128 TXID Blockchain Transaction ID
status Y 10 Result Success (SUCCSS), Failure (DECLINED)
errorInformation.errCd N 8 Error code NULL for Success, Code for Error
errorInformation.reasonn N 192 Error message Corresponding error message when an error occurs
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### DECLINED Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outAddress" : "0xcce4726a8bca553e31c5341fa456a43062b46520",
 "fromCurrency" : "SLAYB",
 "toCurrency" : "VEGO",
 "fromAmount" : "1", 
 "toAmount" : "",
 "exchangeRate" : "",
 "txId" : "",
 "status" : "DECLINED",
 "errorInformation.errCd" : "B011",
 "errorInformation.reason" : "비밀번호 검증 오류",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Withdrawal Errors

Detailed error codes are provided separately

1.7. Block Notify API (PCRM → Partners)

Block Notify API notifies transaction processing results (block confirmation or not) in an asynchronous manner, considering the efficiency of major transactions related to blockchain transactions such as Exchange API and Withdrawal API.

To get characters you need to make a POST call to the following url :

Block Notify Sequence


### Request Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "netDivision" : "SLAY",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "outAddress" : "0xcce4726a8bca553e31c5341fa456a43062b46520",
 "txid" : "0x7104afd5b61c5df952c8e9afd2dafa222d543111b2ee3862c80502b3f2aed93b",
 "status" : "confirm",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Block Notify Request Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem
netDivision Y 20 Network Classification Blockchain network classification
outAddress Y 128 Withdrawal Address Internal address (Exchange API) or External address (Withdrawal API)
toCurrency Y 20 Conversion unit Unit in case of conversion to partner's Item or Point with PlayToken
toAmount N 20 Request Quantity Quantity in case of conversion to Partner's Item or Point with PlayToken
txId N 128 TXID Blockchain Transaction ID
status Y 32 TXID status Blockchain Transaction Status
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Enforcement Guide")

### SUCCESS Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "status" : "SUCCESS", 
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Block Notify Response Interface Layout

Field RQD Max
Name Description
merchantInformation.merchantId Y 50 Channel number Channel number allocated by PCRM
merchantInformation.merchantSiteId Y 30 Channel sub-number Subchannel number assigned by PCRM
clientReferenceInformation.code Y 20 Transaction number Transaction generated by channel only (ex) System ID or Server ID+yyyMMdd+hhmmss+miliscond)
customerId Y 64 User ID The only user-specific ID (KEY) in the entire ecosystem.
status Y 10 Result Success (SUCCSS), Failure (DECLINED)
errorInformation.errCd N 8 Error code NULL for Success, Code for Error
errorInformation.reasonn N 192 Error message Corresponding error message when an error occurs
sign Y 64 Signature verification value Security Signatures (see "2. Security Application Guide")

### DECLINED Response Example :

 "merchantInformation.merchantId" : "000000000001",
 "merchantInformation.merchantSiteId" : "000001",
 "clientReferenceInformation.code" : "20220316192601000",
 "customerId" : "userid@usermail.url",
 "status" : "DECLINED",
 "errorInformation.errCd" : "3",
 "errorInformation.reason" : "GAS too low",
 "sign" : "DEDC93DB5CFE0F06CBB54B937266D378C27E2DE985E999B7F319666857E6C9EE"

Block Notify Errors

Detailed error codes are provided separately

2. Security Application Guide

AES265 encryption method to protect key fields when sending and receiving messages and HMAC SHA256 signature method to prevent forgery of messages are applied.

If the development language is C/C++ rather than Java, separate OpenSSL API application is required. If you need a separate sample, please ask.

2.1. Field encryption/decryption

  • Encrypt fields that require decryption, such as withdrawal address/password.
  • After AES256 encryption, Base64Encoding is performed before transmission.
  • AES256 encryption with CBC for operation mode and PKCS5Padding for padding.
  • IV Key and encryption key are delivered separately for each channel.
  • Based on Java, the encryption/decryption API source checks the body attachment.[]
  • When called in AES256Util.encryptAES256 (encryption target text, Key, Iv) format, an encrypted String is returned. (However, if there is a problem with the key, “” is returned.)
  • Decryption: When called in AES256Util.decryptAES256 (decryption target text, Key, Iv) format, the decrypted String is returned. (However, if there is a problem with the key, “” is returned.)

### JAVA Encryption Example :

import com.cholocb.util.crypto.AES256Util;

String plainText = "1234567890"; // data to be encrypted
String sKey = "The encryption/decryption key are provided by PCRM."; // Key
String sIv = "The initial vector are provided by PCRM."; // Initial Vector

String encText = AES256Util.encryptAES256(plainText, sKey, sIv);
if ("".equals(encText)) {
  // error handling
} else {
  // normal progression

### JAVA Decryption Example :

import com.cholocb.util.crypto.AES256Util;

String encText = "TVIljHeNOsRs1tbzavru5g=="; // Data to be Decrypted
String sKey = "The encryption/decryption key are provided by PCRM."; // Key
String sIv = "The initial vector are provided by PCRM."; // Initial Vector

String plainText = AES256Util.decryptAES256(encText, sKey, sIv);
if ("".equals(plainText)) {
} else {


Java AES256 Encryption Sample

  1. Add the commons-codec-1.9.jar file to the Java library so that the encryption/decryption function can be used by decompressing the compressed file in the "2.1 Field Encryption/Decryption" chapter of this document.
  2. For the above sample source test, copy the "" and "" sources of the compressed file to the sample source location.
  3. Write and test the above sample source
  4. Apply the exception handling after including the function in the sending/receiving function

2.2. Sign the message

  • HMAC SHA256 signature is added to the entire JSON and transmitted.
  • The key for signing uses the key used for field encryption and decryption.
    (1) Converting to String after generating JSON without signature
    (2) HmacSHA256 processing
    (3) HEX conversion
    (4) Add "sign" field at the end
  • When called in the format HmacSha256Util.signFromJSONStr(JSONString, Key) to be signed, the signed String is returned. (However, if there is a problem with the key, a JSON String without a signature value is returned.)
  • When called in the format of HmacSha256Util.signFromJSONStr(JSONString, Key) to be signed, the signature value is returned. (However, if there is a problem with the key, “” is returned.)

### JAVA Signature Example :

import com.cholocb.util.crypto.HmacSha256Util;

String sJson = "{\"merchantInformation.merchantId\" : \"000000000001\",
\"merchantInformation.merchantSiteId\" : \"000001\", 
\"clientReferenceInformation.code\" : \"20220316192601000\",
\"fromCurrency\" : \"GOLD\", 
\"toCurrency\" : \"SLAYB\", 
\"fromAmount\" : \"100\"}";
String sKey = "The Signature key are provided by PCRM."; // Sign Key

String sSignJson= HmacSha256Util.signFromJSONStr(sJson, sKey);
if (sSignJson.indexOf("\"sign\"") < 0) {
} else {
  // SUCCESS (Add sign and generate key to JSON object)


Java Signature Sample

  1. Add the commons-codec-1.9.jar file to the Java library so that the encryption/decryption function can be used by decompressing the compressed file in the "2.1 Field Encryption/Decryption" chapter of this document.
  2. For the above sample source test, copy the "" and "" sources of the compressed file to the sample source location.
  3. Write and test the above sample source
  4. After including the function in the sending/receiving function, add the sign key extracted from each sending/receiving function to the json object and handling exceptions

3. Erros

구분 Code Sub-Code Occurrence Message
intl. 0000 SUCCESS
intl. 0001 The same transaction exists
intl. 7001 It's a duplicate transaction
intl. 7002 When the transaction number does not match Transaction does not exist
intl. 7005 If it is not an Exchange target unit It's an impossible unit
intl. 7007 Request Quantity Incorrect Requested quantity is less than minimum unit
intl. 7008 Request Quantity Incorrect Requested quantity exceeded
intl. 7009 Quantity Numeric error (including text, etc.) Only numbers are allowed
intl. 7010 Calculation errors such as exchange rate/ratio Quantity verification error occurred
intl. 7011 User SUSPEND status User is disabled
intl. 7012 내Internal address SUSPEND status Internal address has been suspended
intl. 7013 Withdrawal address SUSPEND status The withdrawal address has been suspended
intl. 7014 ITEM/PlayToken SUSPEND status ITEM/PlayToken is disabled
intl. 8001 Input variable error Invalid parameter
intl. 8002 Channel number verification error Channel number does not exist
intl. 8003 Signature verification error Signature information is invalid
intl. 8004 Data decryption failed Data decryption error occurred
intl. 8005 Unregistered unit Unregistered unit
intl. 8006 In case of channel stop This channel has been suspended
intl. 8007 In case of channel stop Transaction unavailable channel
intl. 8008 In case of channel stop This channel has expired
intl. 9999 In case of undefined error An error has occurred
intl. B010 User Unique ID Error ID verification error occurred
intl. B011 Password verification error A password error has occurred
intl. B100 Internal address, external address error Request Wallet Address Error
JSON -32700 Parse error JSON parsing error
JSON -32600 Invalid Request Request JSON Object Validation Error
JSON -32601 Method not found Not available (Method)
JSON -32602 Invalid params Input variable validation error
JSON -32603 Internal error Internal JSON-RPC error
JSON -32000
Server error JSON-RPC Server Error
Custom 1 Unauthorized Unauthorized
Custom 2 Action not allowed Action not allowed
Custom 3 Execution error Execution error
Custom 3 100 "X" doesn’t exist 거래 검증 오류
Custom 3 101 Requires ether Requires ether
Custom 3 102 Gas too low Gas too low
Custom 3 103 Gas limit exceeded as limit exceeded
Custom 3 104 Rejected Rejected
Custom 3 105 Ether too low Ether too low
Custom 3 106 Timeout Timeout
Custom 3 107 Conflict Conflict


4.1. JAVA Sample

package com.PCRM.p2e;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

import com.cholocb.util.common.JsonUtil;
import com.cholocb.util.crypto.HmacSha256Util;
import com.PCRM.p2e.api.VerseB;

import net.sf.json.JSONException;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;

public class APITest {

    protected static final String VIEW_NAME_JSON =  "common/jsonview";

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.out.println("Usage : VerseB exRate|exReq|OutAddrVerify|OutPaswordReg|WithdrawReq|StatusReq");

        // Test 설정
        // Real 설정

        HashMap hmIn = new HashMap();
        HashMap hmOut = new HashMap();
        switch (args[0]) {
            // Exchange Rate
            case "exRate" :
                // 파라메터 설정
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantId",          "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantSiteId",      "000001");
                hmIn.put("customerId",                              "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("fromCurrency",                            "GOLD");
                hmIn.put("toCurrency",                              "SLAYB");
                hmIn.put("fromAmount",                              "100");
                hmIn.put("key",                                     "9F2488BFAE5FB03B9B483FA1CF1EC94B3B4B2E52780A2B53ED67E581110CC980");
                hmIn.put("initialVector",                           "64750805549512089392625993734535");

                // API 호출
                hmOut = VerseB.exRate(hmIn);
                if ("SUCCESS".equals(hmOut.get("status"))) {
                    // 정상 처리 응답 수신
                    String exRate   = hmOut.get("exRate");
                    String toAmount = hmOut.get("toAmount");
                    System.out.println("exRate="+exRate+" toAmount="+toAmount);
                } else {
                    // 오류 처리 응답 수신
                    String errCd    = hmOut.get("errorInformation.errCd");
                    String reason   = hmOut.get("errorInformation.reason");
                    System.out.println("errCd="+errCd+" reason="+reason);
            // Exchange
            case "exReq" :
                // 파라메터 설정
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantId",          "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantSiteId",      "000001");
                hmIn.put("customerId",                              "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("fromCurrency",                            "GOLD");
                hmIn.put("toCurrency",                              "SLAYB");
                hmIn.put("fromAmount",                              "100");
                hmIn.put("exchangeRate",                            "10%");
                hmIn.put("notifyUrl",                               "");
                hmIn.put("key",                                     "9F2488BFAE5FB03B9B483FA1CF1EC94B3B4B2E52780A2B53ED67E581110CC980");
                hmIn.put("initialVector",                           "64750805549512089392625993734535");

                // API 호출
                hmOut = VerseB.exReq(hmIn);
                if ("SUCCESS".equals(hmOut.get("status"))) {
                    // 정상 처리 응답 수신
                    String txId = hmOut.get("txId");
                } else {
                    // 오류 처리 응답 수신
                    String errCd    = hmOut.get("errorInformation.errCd");
                    String reason   = hmOut.get("errorInformation.reason");
                    System.out.println("errCd="+errCd+" reason="+reason);
            // OutAddrVerify
            case "OutAddrVerify" :
                // 파라메터 설정
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantId",          "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantSiteId",      "000001");
                hmIn.put("customerId",                              "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("outAddress",                              "0x8bDfa1f6393146f005F1C84050c553367c1e27d2");
                hmIn.put("key",                                     "9F2488BFAE5FB03B9B483FA1CF1EC94B3B4B2E52780A2B53ED67E581110CC980");
                hmIn.put("initialVector",                           "64750805549512089392625993734535");

                // API 호출
                hmOut = VerseB.OutAddrVerify(hmIn);
                if ("SUCCESS".equals(hmOut.get("status"))) {
                    // 정상 처리 응답 수신
                    System.out.println("Recv Success");
                } else {
                    // 오류 처리 응답 수신
                    String errCd    = hmOut.get("errorInformation.errCd");
                    String reason   = hmOut.get("errorInformation.reason");
                    System.out.println("errCd="+errCd+" reason="+reason);
            case "OutPaswordReg" :
                // 파라메터 설정
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantId",          "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantSiteId",      "000001");
                hmIn.put("customerId",                              "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("outAddress",                              "0x8bDfa1f6393146f005F1C84050c553367c1e27d2");
                hmIn.put("outPassword",                             "Q!w2e3r4");
                hmIn.put("key",                                     "9F2488BFAE5FB03B9B483FA1CF1EC94B3B4B2E52780A2B53ED67E581110CC980");
                hmIn.put("initialVector",                           "64750805549512089392625993734535");

                // API 호출
                hmOut = VerseB.OutPaswordReg(hmIn);
                if ("SUCCESS".equals(hmOut.get("status"))) {
                    // 정상 처리 응답 수신
                    System.out.println("Recv Success");
                } else {
                    // 오류 처리 응답 수신
                    String errCd    = hmOut.get("errorInformation.errCd");
                    String reason   = hmOut.get("errorInformation.reason");
                    System.out.println("errCd="+errCd+" reason="+reason);
            case "WithdrawReq" :
                // 파라메터 설정
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantId",          "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("merchantInformation.merchantSiteId",      "000001");
                hmIn.put("customerId",                              "000000000001");
                hmIn.put("outAddress",                              "0x8bDfa1f6393146f005F1C84050c553367c1e27d2");
                hmIn.put("outPassword",                             "Q!w2e3r4");
                hmIn.put("fromCurrency",                            "SLAYB");
                hmIn.put("toCurrency",                              "SLAYB");
                hmIn.put("fromAmount",                              "10");
                hmIn.put("notifyUrl",                               "");
                hmIn.put("key",                                     "9F2488BFAE5FB03B9B483FA1CF1EC94B3B4B2E52780A2B53ED67E581110CC980");
                hmIn.put("initialVector",                           "64750805549512089392625993734535");

                // API 호출
                hmOut = VerseB.WithdrawReq(hmIn);
                if ("SUCCESS".equals(hmOut.get("status"))) {
                    // 정상 처리 응답 수신
                    String txId     = hmOut.get("txId");
                } else {
                    // 오류 처리 응답 수신
                    String errCd    = hmOut.get("errorInformation.errCd");
                    String reason   = hmOut.get("errorInformation.reason");
                    System.out.println("errCd="+errCd+" reason="+reason);
            default :
                System.out.println("Usage : VerseB exRate|exReq|OutAddrVerify|OutPaswordReg|WithdrawReq|StatusReq");


    /* 채널 서버에서 수신 처리 개발 필요 */
    /* Spring Framework WAS 기반으로 처리 예시로 채널 서버의 상황에 따라 자체 개발 필요 */
    /* 수신 처리 Start */
    public ModelAndView recvNotify(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();

        String key = "9F2488BFAE5FB03B9B483FA1CF1EC94B3B4B2E52780A2B53ED67E581110CC980";
        try {
            String sIn = readInputStream(request.getInputStream());

            Map mJsonReq = new HashMap();

            try {
                String contentType = request.getContentType();
                if(contentType == null || contentType.indexOf("application/json") == -1){

                    JSONObject resJson = new JSONObject();
                    resJson.put("status",       "ERROR");
                    resJson.put("errCode",      406);
                    resJson.put("reason",       "Not Acceptable");
                    resJson.put("version",      "1.0");
                    modelAndView.addObject("jsonData", resJson.toString());
                    return modelAndView;

                mJsonReq = JSONObject.fromObject(sIn);

            } catch (JSONException e) {

                JSONObject resJson = new JSONObject();
                resJson.put("status",       "ERROR");
                resJson.put("errCode",      500);
                resJson.put("reason",       "Bad request.");
                resJson.put("version",      "1.0");
                modelAndView.addObject("jsonData", resJson.toString());
                return modelAndView;

            // 실제 수신 처리 수행 Start
            String errCd = "0000";
            String sSign = HmacSha256Util.unSignFromJSONStr(sIn, key);
            if ("".equals(sSign)) {
                // 에러 처리
                errCd   = "8003";
            if ("confirm".equals(mJsonReq.get("status"))) {
                // 채널 DB 업데이트 처리
                System.out.println("DB Transaction Status Update");
            } else {
                errCd   = "9999";

            HashMap hmOut = new HashMap();
            if ("0000".equals(errCd)) {
                hmOut.put("merchantInformation.merchantId",     (String) mJsonReq.get("merchantInformation.merchantId"));
                hmOut.put("merchantInformation.merchantSiteId", (String) mJsonReq.get("merchantInformation.merchantSiteId"));
                hmOut.put("clientReferenceInformation.code",    (String) mJsonReq.get("clientReferenceInformation.code"));
                hmOut.put("customerId",                         (String) mJsonReq.get("customerId"));
                hmOut.put("status",                             "SUCCESS");
            } else {
                hmOut.put("merchantInformation.merchantId",     (String) mJsonReq.get("merchantInformation.merchantId"));
                hmOut.put("merchantInformation.merchantSiteId", (String) mJsonReq.get("merchantInformation.merchantSiteId"));
                hmOut.put("clientReferenceInformation.code",    (String) mJsonReq.get("clientReferenceInformation.code"));
                hmOut.put("customerId",                         (String) mJsonReq.get("customerId"));
                hmOut.put("status",                             "DECLINED");
                hmOut.put("errorInformation.errCd",             errCd);
                hmOut.put("errorInformation.reason",            "ERROR");
            // 응답 전송 처리
            JSONObject oSendJson = JsonUtil.makeJsonFromMap(hmOut);
            String sSendJson = oSendJson.toString();
            sSendJson = HmacSha256Util.signFromJSONStr(sSendJson, key);
            modelAndView.addObject("jsonData",  sSendJson);

            // 실제 수신 처리 수행 End
            return modelAndView;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // 반환값인 ModelAndView 인스턴스 생성
            modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
            //modelAndView.addObject(RES_STATUS, ae.getErrCd());

            String errCd = "500";

            JSONObject resJson = new JSONObject();
            resJson.put("status",       "ERROR");
            resJson.put("errCode",      500);
            resJson.put("reason",       "["+errCd+"] Error");
            resJson.put("version",      "1.0");
            modelAndView.addObject("jsonData", resJson.toString());

            return modelAndView;


    private String readInputStream(InputStream is) {
        BufferedReader brIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
        StringBuilder sbIn = new StringBuilder();
        String sStr = null;

        try {
            while ((sStr = brIn.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
                return "";
        return sbIn.toString();
    /* 수신 처리 End */


JAVA API Sample download

4.2. C/C++ Sample

 * APITest.c
 *  Created on: 2022. 7. 11.
 *      Author: NextBankDev

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <VerseB.h>

int main(int argc, char *args[])
    if (argc != 3){
        printf("[Usage] %s [API] [exRate|exReq|outAddr|outPwd|reqWithdraw]\n", args[0]);
        return -1;

    // Test 설정
    iMode                                   = 0;
    // Real 설정
    //iMode                                 = 1;
    char*               mctKey              = "9F2488BFAE5FB03B9B483FA1CF1EC94B3B4B2E52780A2B53ED67E581110CC980";
    char*               mctInitialVector    = "64750805549512089392625993734535";
    char*               mctNotifyUrl        = "";
    int                 iRet                = 0;

    if (strcmp("API",args[1]) == 0) {
        // exRate
        if (strcmp("exRate", args[2]) == 0) {
            exRate_IN   exRateIn;
            exRate_OUT  exRateOut;

            strncpy(exRateIn.merchantId,        "000000000001",     sizeof(exRateIn.merchantId));
            strncpy(exRateIn.merchantSiteId,    "000001",           sizeof(exRateIn.merchantSiteId));
            strncpy(exRateIn.customerId,        "000000000001",     sizeof(exRateIn.customerId));
            strncpy(exRateIn.fromCurrency,      "GOLD",             sizeof(exRateIn.fromCurrency));
            strncpy(exRateIn.toCurrency,        "SLAYB",            sizeof(exRateIn.toCurrency));
            strncpy(exRateIn.fromAmount,        "100",              sizeof(exRateIn.fromAmount));
            strncpy(exRateIn.key,               mctKey,             sizeof(exRateIn.key));
            strncpy(exRateIn.initialVector,     mctInitialVector,   sizeof(exRateIn.initialVector));

            iRet    = exRate(&exRateIn, &exRateOut);

            printf("API exRate ret=%d\n\tmerchantId=%s\n\tmerchantSiteId=%s\n\tcode=%s\n\tcustomerId=%s\n"
                    iRet, exRateOut.merchantId, exRateOut.merchantSiteId, exRateOut.code, exRateOut.customerId,
                    exRateOut.fromCurrency, exRateOut.toCurrency, exRateOut.fromAmount, exRateOut.toAmount, exRateOut.exchangeRate,
                    exRateOut.status, exRateOut.errCd, exRateOut.reason);
        // exReq
        else if (strcmp("exReq", args[2]) == 0) {
            exReq_IN    exReqIn;
            exReq_OUT   exReqOut;

            strncpy(exReqIn.merchantId,         "000000000001",     sizeof(exReqIn.merchantId));
            strncpy(exReqIn.merchantSiteId,     "000001",           sizeof(exReqIn.merchantSiteId));
            strncpy(exReqIn.customerId,         "000000000001",     sizeof(exReqIn.customerId));
            strncpy(exReqIn.fromCurrency,       "GOLD",             sizeof(exReqIn.fromCurrency));
            strncpy(exReqIn.toCurrency,         "SLAYB",            sizeof(exReqIn.toCurrency));
            strncpy(exReqIn.fromAmount,         "100",              sizeof(exReqIn.fromAmount));
            strncpy(exReqIn.exchangeRate,       "10%",              sizeof(exReqIn.exchangeRate));
            strncpy(exReqIn.notifyUrl,          mctNotifyUrl,       sizeof(exReqIn.notifyUrl));
            strncpy(exReqIn.key,                mctKey,             sizeof(exReqIn.key));
            strncpy(exReqIn.initialVector,      mctInitialVector,   sizeof(exReqIn.initialVector));

            iRet    = exReq(&exReqIn, &exReqOut);

            printf("API exReq ret=%d\n\tmerchantId=%s\n\tmerchantSiteId=%s\n\tcode=%s\n\tcustomerId=%s\n"
                    iRet, exReqOut.merchantId, exReqOut.merchantSiteId, exReqOut.code, exReqOut.customerId,
                    exReqOut.fromCurrency, exReqOut.toCurrency, exReqOut.fromAmount, exReqOut.toAmount, exReqOut.exchangeRate,
                    exReqOut.internalAddress, exReqOut.txId,
                    exReqOut.status, exReqOut.errCd, exReqOut.reason);
        // outAddr
        else if (strcmp("outAddr", args[2]) == 0) {
            outAddr_IN  outAddrIn;
            outAddr_OUT outAddrOut;

            strncpy(outAddrIn.merchantId,       "000000000001",     sizeof(outAddrIn.merchantId));
            strncpy(outAddrIn.merchantSiteId,   "000001",           sizeof(outAddrIn.merchantSiteId));
            strncpy(outAddrIn.customerId,       "000000000001",     sizeof(outAddrIn.customerId));
            strncpy(outAddrIn.outAddress,       "0x8bDfa1f6393146f005F1C84050c553367c1e27d2",               sizeof(outAddrIn.outAddress));
            strncpy(outAddrIn.key,              mctKey,             sizeof(outAddrIn.key));
            strncpy(outAddrIn.initialVector,    mctInitialVector,   sizeof(outAddrIn.initialVector));

            iRet    = outAddr(&outAddrIn, &outAddrOut);

            printf("API outAddr ret=%d\n\tmerchantId=%s\n\tmerchantSiteId=%s\n\tcode=%s\n\tcustomerId=%s\n"
                    iRet, outAddrOut.merchantId, outAddrOut.merchantSiteId, outAddrOut.code, outAddrOut.customerId,
                    outAddrOut.status, outAddrOut.errCd, outAddrOut.reason);
        // outPwd
        else if (strcmp("outPwd", args[2]) == 0) {
            outPwd_IN   outPwdIn;
            outPwd_OUT  outPwdOut;

            strncpy(outPwdIn.merchantId,        "000000000001",     sizeof(outPwdIn.merchantId));
            strncpy(outPwdIn.merchantSiteId,    "000001",           sizeof(outPwdIn.merchantSiteId));
            strncpy(outPwdIn.customerId,        "000000000001",     sizeof(outPwdIn.customerId));
            strncpy(outPwdIn.outAddress,        "0x8bDfa1f6393146f005F1C84050c553367c1e27d2",               sizeof(outPwdIn.outAddress));
            strncpy(outPwdIn.outPassword,       "Q!w2e3r4",         sizeof(outPwdIn.outPassword));
            strncpy(outPwdIn.key,               mctKey,             sizeof(outPwdIn.key));
            strncpy(outPwdIn.initialVector,     mctInitialVector,   sizeof(outPwdIn.initialVector));

            iRet    = outPwd(&outPwdIn, &outPwdOut);

            printf("API outPwd ret=%d\n\tmerchantId=%s\n\tmerchantSiteId=%s\n\tcode=%s\n\tcustomerId=%s\n"
                    iRet, outPwdOut.merchantId, outPwdOut.merchantSiteId, outPwdOut.code, outPwdOut.customerId,
                    outPwdOut.status, outPwdOut.errCd, outPwdOut.reason);
        // reqWithdraw
        else if (strcmp("reqWithdraw", args[2]) == 0) {
            reqWdraw_IN     reqWdrawIn;
            reqWdraw_OUT    reqWdrawOut;

            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.merchantId,      "000000000001",     sizeof(reqWdrawIn.merchantId));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.merchantSiteId,  "000001",           sizeof(reqWdrawIn.merchantSiteId));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.customerId,      "000000000001",     sizeof(reqWdrawIn.customerId));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.outAddress,      "0x8bDfa1f6393146f005F1C84050c553367c1e27d2",               sizeof(reqWdrawIn.outAddress));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.outPassword,     "Q!w2e3r4",         sizeof(reqWdrawIn.outPassword));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.fromCurrency,    "SLAYB",            sizeof(reqWdrawIn.fromCurrency));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.toCurrency,      "SLAYB",            sizeof(reqWdrawIn.toCurrency));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.fromAmount,      "10",               sizeof(reqWdrawIn.fromAmount));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.notifyUrl,       mctNotifyUrl,       sizeof(reqWdrawIn.notifyUrl));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.key,             mctKey,             sizeof(reqWdrawIn.key));
            strncpy(reqWdrawIn.initialVector,   mctInitialVector,   sizeof(reqWdrawIn.initialVector));

            iRet    = reqWithdraw(&reqWdrawIn, &reqWdrawOut);

            printf("API reqWithdraw ret=%d\n\tmerchantId=%s\n\tmerchantSiteId=%s\n\tcode=%s\n\tcustomerId=%s\n"
                    iRet, reqWdrawOut.merchantId, reqWdrawOut.merchantSiteId, reqWdrawOut.code, reqWdrawOut.customerId,
                    reqWdrawOut.fromCurrency, reqWdrawOut.toCurrency, reqWdrawOut.fromAmount, reqWdrawOut.toAmount, reqWdrawOut.exchangeRate,
                    reqWdrawOut.status, reqWdrawOut.errCd, reqWdrawOut.reason);

    return 0;

C/C++ API Sample Download