DATAM is a company specializing in energy efficiency and low-carbon alternatives for mobile and transportation vehicles based on carbon emission reduction patents to respond to climate change for 17 years
DATAM is a Big Data company specializing in vehicles. It developed the world’s best Hyper-Milling with 1 liter of fuel and also introduced Eco Drive for the first time in Korea and has become the foundation of institutionalization and legislation of eco-friendly economic driving. It is the world’s top technology company that reduces and measures CO2 for vehicles.
Based on the Bid Data patent (No. 10-1763915) obtained in 2017 to lead the carbon emission market (worth about 3 dollars), 193 countries around the world agreed to apply blockchain technology to implement UNFCCC, carbon emission blockchain patents (No. 10-1914575, No. 10-1914576, No. 10-1925988, No. 10-2001068) were preempted and a new concept of carbon reduction proof (PCR) blockchain technology was developed.
The United Nations Framework Convention Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an agreement agreed by countries around the world to prevent global warming by limiting the emission of greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide.
CTCN, CCC are supporting UNFCCC.
To support the UNFCCC, an alliance to research and apply block chain technology around the world.
DATAM is a Leadership Member.
The CTCN (Climate Technology Center Network) is an international climate technology organization responsible for implementing technology mechanisms under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which supports technology transfer between countries to respond to climate change and promotes network and information sharing.
DATAM is a CTCN registered company.
PCRM XTE WEB3.0 BLOCKCHAIN PLATFORM, Development and service provision of carbon emission reduction certification, XTE (Many X to Earn) development and service provision
R&D for eco-friendly transportation conversion project,Renewable energy technology,Development/construction of self-sufficiency-based, carbon-neutral smart city OS
Vietnam REGEN powertrain electric motorcycle manufacturing, distribution, technology transfer and remanufacturing business
Vietnam BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) project development
Vietnam renewable heavy oil, smart farm production and operation, new and renewable energy manufacturing business
Operation and management of investment assets across Indonesian businesses
'BWB(Blockchain Week in Busan) 2023 행사' 성황리 마쳐
DATAM, 2023 대한민국미래모빌리티 엑스포서 전기이륜차 선도모델 공개
대한민국 e모빌리티의 혁신기술 발전 위한 'K-e모빌리티 컨소시엄' 출범
DATAM, 2023 대한민국미래모빌리티엑스포 참가
한국블록체인기업진흥협회, '2023 필리핀 블록체인 위크' 대성 이뤄
DATAM, 대한민국 블록체인 기술로 필리핀의 탄소감축해법을 찾다
세븐모빌리티·데이탐코리아, ‘EV 공동사업’ 계약 체결
데이탐, 신기후체제 중소기업의 기후변화 대응전략 발표
DATAM-인도네시아 최대 자전거회사 유나이티드바이크, 기술합작 협약 맺어
베트남, 한국 '코베카'와 탄소감축 혁신 기술 협의
DATAM, '발리 G20'서 리젠 전기오토바이 실증테스트 진행